Evasofia Hernandez, SWAYE Artist, created a piece called “Sweet Bliss” for the SWAYE May Issue. Matthew Chen (Founder, Editor-In-Chief) interviewed Evasofia to learn about her artistic process, inspirations, and goals.

Q. What kind of art do you do?
Evasofia: I am still trying to figure that out but so far I have really come to enjoy working on oil and gouache mediums. I also enjoy the occasional digital art medium.
Q. How and when did you become interested in it?
Evasofia: I can’t say exactly when I became interested because it wasn’t a specific moment. I just always enjoyed drawing since I was in preschool. Not until recently did I realize I could actually have a career.
Q. How do your family and friends play apart in you pursuing your art?
Evasofia: If it wasn’t for my parents and 5th grade teacher I never would have attended my current school which I am entirely grateful for.
“My family and friends are one of my greatest sources of inspiration and are the main focus in the majority of my pieces.”
Q. Why did you join SWAYE Media?
Evasofia: I joined SWAYE with the intention to try and branch out my work to the internet and general media. I also liked the idea I would be assigned topics and gave me a feel of what it would be like to make commissions.
Q. What memorable responses have you had to your work?
Evasofia: The most memorable response to my art has to come from my art teachers, one from my earlier years and greatly encouraging me during my application to CSArts.The second was this year and was my oil painting teacher.
“His words and advice really helped me improve my art and realize this is something I wanted to do forever.”
Q. What is your process like for writing a piece?
Evasofia: My typical process starts with me sketching a bunch of mock ups of a vague idea of what I want. Normally. I normally end up going back and forth and what feels like a million ideas until I finally land on the right one. Then I grab a canvas or other medium and just go into it. At the beginning I don’t really know what I am doing and tend to wing it and towards the middle of the process once I like the way a piece is going it starts making sense and the painting is more coordinated.
Q: How is art special to you?
“To me art is like an escape and a way to express feelings and thoughts I wouldn’t be able to with words.”
There’s also nothing in the world that brings the same joy as seeing a piece come together and being able to admire it for hours.
Q. Describe a real-life situation that inspired you?
Evasofia: Well currently I am working on an idea for a piece based on an unexpected rainy day on one of our first days in Mexico. I had gone out to run errands with my Dad and sister when the rain caught us and it ended up becoming one of the best days I had on our trip. We spent the entire day running around enjoying each other’s company and I still have the image transfixed in my memory.
Q. Who or what are your greatest inspirations?
Evasofia: My time in Mexico has to be one of my greatest pieces of inspiration and one of the sole factors that always ends up transferring into my creative process.
“Its is interlaced with so many aspects of my life including a great deal of my childhood, another great source of inspiration.”
Q. What is your ultimate goal as an artist?
“My ultimate goal as an artist is to be able to turn this into a career and if not make sure to keep it as a large part of my life forever.”
I have dreams of working as a studio artist and if not at least an art curator so I can be surrounded by art at all times.
Check out Evasofia’s Sweet Bliss project here.