Rainy days, filled with grey tears
Colorless is the world around me
With no happiness to see
I walk through grey puddlesÂ
Waiting for the sunÂ
The sun didn’t come through
I sat waiting
The bus stop empty
My shoes drenched in grey
Hands tucked in my pockets
Seeking warmth
My pockets empty
I walk to the coffee shop
The door creaks with age
I sit on the worked chair
Drenching it with grey
Footsteps brush my ears
A voice draws my attention
Your hair, golden-brown
The color of the sunset
Rushes over my eyes
Your voice warm
I ask for a coffee
You walk leaving behind
A trail of color
I wait
Your eyes
Hazel with hints of gold
Every word you speak
The world begins to color in
You tell me stories of your life
The coffee shop begins to glow
Brighter than the sun
I take a sip of the coffee
I leave the coffee shop
With you as but a memory
But the sky
Glows with a rainbow
The world filled with colorÂ
As I begin to walk home
Dreaming of our next encounter