Strange Land

Strange Land is a song by singer-songwriters Phum Viphurit and Niki. Although the song is about romantic love, the lyrics remind me of the friendships that will forever last in…

October Featured Artist: Alex Pansino

Alex Pansino, SWAYE Artist, created a piece called “Pure Imagination” for the SWAYE September Issue. Matthew Chen (Founder, Editor-In-Chief) interviewed Alex to learn about his artistic process, inspirations, and goals.…

Hi Friends!

Since this piece was in the theme, “Support Through the Screen”, I wanted the piece to be lighter and more colorful than some of my pieces. For the background, I…

Branch Out Through a Screen

In the virtual world, it is important to branch out and give your support through the screen. The rectangle box represents the computer screen and the lines that branch out…

Old Times

The silence was killing me.  I could taste it, bitter like blood, a continued static of unspoken thoughts that seemed to jump around me. Everything else was muted. We sat…


“Seventeen” is about feeling lost in your teenage years because you’re seeing everyone from the perspective of social media, rather than in real life. Our Socials:

New Sun

In this piece, my goal was to use only lighting to connect to the greater theme “Support Through the Screen.” I used different dilutions over a rough sketch to create…

Not Shy

“Because I don’t want to regret. Because I don’t care how it ends. Go go go pour out all that you’ve got. No, yes no whatever, it’s fine.” During this…

Why is your aesthetic different from mine?

What makes something aesthetic? It’s not solely a minimalistic setting that makes something satisfying to you, and it’s not only a color scheme either. So what really makes you drawn…

Friends and Rivals

Whenever I first looked at Vincent Van Gogh’s self portrait his missing left ear had always been distinct from the rest of his features. The mishap is undocumented, but it…