To Be or Not To Be: New Year’s Resolutions

What are some conscious choices we can make to do more for ourselves and our crafts?

Making a list of resolutions for the new year is an age-old tradition. Many have been trying to make positive changes to themselves for decades. The turn of the year, when the ball drops at midnight, is a time to celebrate the ticking of humanity’s clock. We use the interruption of a new ‘era’ to enforce new habits and introduce new mindsets. So how can we apply this to our passions?

If you’re interested in visual or fine art, but you tend to get idea-block and can’t figure out what to do, maybe one of your resolutions is to practice your craft more to generate new ideas. You can make a jar filled with pieces of paper compiled of different topics written on them. This way, you can pull a random one when you can’t think of something. It’s always smart to keep your brain up and running, so even if you’re practicing or doodling or writing for even ten minutes a day, it can help you immensely in the long run. 

If you’re interested in music or singing, but are having trouble thinking of songs to write or new music to listen to, maybe one of your resolutions is to broaden your horizons. In that case, turn to the people around you! Everyone’s taste is different, just as compositional style is different, and you can learn so much. By just asking their childhood artists or an underground artist that has good music, you can use that for inspiration! Pull from the resources around you. You can learn so much from others who may have more experience than you. 

Making resolutions is easy, we can all think of things we’d like to improve. But actually committing to accomplishing our goals is the hardest part. That’s why it’s important to move in steps. Even when working towards a long-term achievement, you have to work in small increments. Don’t push yourself too hard, and make sure you’re happy. If it’s not something that makes you happy, then you have no use for it. Prioritize yourself. If you are happy, congratulations! Keep practicing and become the best you can be.

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